Enrollment and Attendance
Online Registration
Returning Julian High families, including students coming from Julian Jr. High
New to Julian families or students enrolling from a school other than Julian Jr. High
Please call the Registrar at (760) 765-0606 to receive log-in information and link.
Early Check Out Procedure
When checking a student out early, a parent/guardian signature is required on the sign-out sheet. For the safety of all children, phone calls will not be accepted. An individual listed as an “emergency contact” may not check out a student unless a signed and dated note is provided by the parent/guardian allowing him/her to do so. Students may be checked out via email provided the email contains a parent/guardian signature.
Attendance Guidelines
Pursuant to Ed. Code Sections 48200, 48400, and 48450, the State of California requires Compulsory School Attendance/Education for all students from six (6) years through eighteen (18) years of age. Students with excessive (unexcused) absences (10 absences per grading period) may be given a failing grade and not receive credit for their classes.(BP 5121b). Anytime a student or parent feels a decision adversely affects them, they may appeal the decision. It is the intention of the Julian Union High School District to use the Student Attendance Review Team (SART) in order to identify any student who may establish a pattern for attendance that may negatively affect academic standing in one or more classes.
The administration and staff will be monitoring students based on actual attendance. If an unacceptable pattern of absences develops, the administration will refer the student to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) for action. Exemptions to Compulsory Attendance/Education may be made through a process established by Board policy. Upon attaining the age of eighteen (18) years, the student’s right to a free public education becomes a privilege. Continued use of this privilege is contingent upon the student’s acceptable performance and behavior and may be revoked at any time through administrative process.
We strongly encourage all appointments to be scheduled in the afternoon—after school is over. If this is not possible, please make sure the student returns after the appointment so they are present for a part of the day and the student will not be counted absent and will not miss important school assignments. If absent for a doctor’s appointment, please provide a doctor’s note. Education Code Section 48205 permits a pupil to be excused from school under certain circumstances:
Medical, dental, optometry, or chiropractic services
Funeral of immediate family
Precinct board member for an election
Religious holiday or ceremony
Court appearance*****
Illness of custodial child*****
Any funeral attendance*****
Religious retreats*****
Employment conferences*****
Other reasons pursuant to board policy*****
Must be requested in writing by parent/guardian and approved by a district-designated official. Absences other than those listed above are unexcused.
Any absence without a note brought to school within three days is an unexcused absence. A note from the parents/guardian must identify one of the education code reasons for an excused absence or the absence will be classified as unexcused. Students are also encouraged to obtain a note from a doctor if they miss due to an appointment or illness. If a note is not in the office within three days, an unexcused absence becomes truancy. When a student misses all or part of 14 days of absences in the school year for illness verified by a written note or a phone call from a parent or a guardian; a physician must verify further absences for illness**. **If ten unexcused absences in any one class per semester, the student may fail the course (See Attendance Policy).Students who have 10 or more unexcused absences may be subject to the SARB (Student Attendance Review Board) process. More than a 10% absent rate is noted as being habitually truant. Students who are tardy to class have a negative impact on the classroom because of the disruption they cause. Teacher consequences could include detentions and loss of privileges regarding makeup of missed assignments. Students who are tardy more than thirty minutes to class are considered truant.
Reporting Absences
To report student absences:
Send a written note with date of absence. (I.e., doctor's note, dentist note, or parent/guardian signed)
Call 760-765-0606
Absences not reported within 3 days are unexcused.
Interdistrict Transfers
To apply for an interdistrict transfer, please complete and submit the following application to your resident district office. If you are submitting a hard copy of the Interdistrict Transfer Form, please address them to Becky Hatch, Registrar. You can also scan and email the completed form to this address .
For more information pertaining to interdistrict transfer requests, click here.
Interdistrict Attendance Permit
If you have questions, please contact the front office of your school of residence.
The Governing Board has determined that Julian Union High School District (JUHSD) is being negatively impacted by the number of students requesting transfers to neighboring districts. Although the Board of Education recognizes justifiable reasons for Interdistrict transfers, the Governing Board authorizes the Superintendent or designee to deny transfers to other districts for students living in the Julian Union High School District (Board Policy 5117).
Julian Union High School District's Interdistrict Policies can be found here.